What is the estimated time for shipping orders?

Ans. Please allow 1-2 business days for orders to ship. We are working to get orders out as quickly as possible.

How long does it take to receive my order?

Ans. Please allow 2-5 business days depending on your location once your order has shipped. Depending on the courier company, delivery may take longer to arrive.

How do I return an item?

Ans. Please visit our Returns page for more information on our return policy.

Can I change the shipping information on my order after it is placed?

Ans. Unfortunately, once an order has been placed, there can be no changes made to the order. Instead, we advise you to cancel the order immediately and place a new one.

The product I wanted is out of stock, when will you restock?

Ans. We cannot guarantee restocking of our inventory at this time. Rest assured, we’re diligently working to replenish our stock. To stay updated, simply click on ‘Notify when in stock’ found on the product page of the item currently out of stock.

Do you offer free shipping?

Ans. We offer free shipping for all orders over RM100 (West Malaysia Only).

I have additional questions or concerns; who do I contact?

Ans. Kindly direct any concerns regarding your shopping experience or purchases at our store to our Customer Care department via email sales(@)celegant.com.